Monday, December 15, 2008

Still Waiting...

I just wanted to update the blog since I haven't updated in several days, but there is actually no news to report. I have been trying since the last post to reach the Chinese Embassy in Houston to ask why our papers were returned unopened, but they do not answer the phone (even during the one hour they say to call, from 9-10 AM. I have tried calling from 9-10 Houston time as well as our time!), and even the automated number has no recording. I have sent an e-mail but there has been no reply. Finally, in desperation I e-mailed our contact person at our agency, Philip, and told him about it. He replied very timely, but only stated that he also tried calling and got the same response. No offense, as I truly appreciate all the help Philip has given me in the past, but did he really think that his phone was special? How did he expect his phone to get a different response than mine, when he called the exact same number! I was actually hoping that he had some kind of insider info and a different number to call, or a better address to send the documents to.

Anyway, I will continue trying my futile efforts for the next few days, but we are leaving town again Thursday morning for our Christmas travels so time is quickly running out for this year... Here's hoping to better luck in 2009!