Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My lucky ladybug socks worked!

Philip called this afternoon to explain that the reason why he hadn't yet called to say that he had our papers back from the Embassy in Houston was because he didn't have them! In fact, he was beginning to panic and he didn't want to panic me. He said he kept calling Houston and they would ask him crazy questions, then tell him they had no idea what he was talking about! He thought our papers were lost forever. In fact, just this morning he had called Houston again and had the same results, but then the mail came and, thank goodness, there was our paperwork, signed and authenticated and ready to go! Thank you ladybug socks!!

Philip said he will wait now until Friday to send our dossier to China because there is another family that is almost ready to go and he wants to send our dossiers together. That is good; that way we should have the same LID so we would travel together when we get our referrals!